Varanasi city to Airport-cheapest options

How to reach Varanasi airport from city or vice versa?
Varanasi’s Lal Bahadur Shastri international airport is 20-25 kms from city center, hence hiring a taxi to reach there will set you back by about 1000 INR easily. But not all passengers are keen to spend so much and look for cheaper alternatives even if it is a bit inconvenient. If you have time, if you are ok to try public transportation, you can save lots of money. Sharing my experience

Best option: Airport to city AC Bus: E101, E102 Electric AC mini buses ply between Varanasi airport and Varanasi Cantt (Cantonment area near railway station, main city center for Varanasi). However the frequency is poor. I waited at Cantt for over 30 mins but didn’t see a single bus to the airport. If you are OK to wait 30+ minutes you can wait for this bus, which operates during day time. Early morning/night flights don’t rely on this

Next best option- intercity buses passing through Babatpur:

Varanasi airport is in a town called Babatpur. Airport is about 1.2 kms from the highway. Many long distance buses going to Jaunpur, Lucknow pass through Babatpur. Few city buses also ply till Babatpur. You can get into these buses and get down close to airport. Confirm once before boarding.

Last 1 km- from highway to Varanasi airport you can walk or hire an auto

Option 3: Share autos

If you scout around in Cantt area, some auto drivers are happy to operate a share auto towards airport. Instead of asking 500-600 rupee from one person, they try to get hold of 4-5 people heading towards airport/babatpur, collect 100-150 rupee from each person. I was trying for a bus but one auto driver consistently pestered me- initially I refused- later he said he has got other passengers to go on sharing basis, I can join by just paying 100 rupees. As I wasn’t getting bus I thought 100 rupees for 20 kms is NOT bad, I can try this.

Auto driver got a few long distance (city to airport) and few short distance customers- got 80, 15, 20, 150, 100, 40 etc from different customers and made some 500 rupees by the time he reached the airport. I am sure he will manage to get another set of customers on his way back to the city and make a cool 1000 rupees on the 50 kms trip.

All these options work if you have light bags, have enough time and comfortable with bit of walking, using shared public transport. In return you will save 100s of rupees otherwise spent on taxi rental. You can treat yourself to some nice food onboard or save this money for future travel.

if nothing works, ask your hotel to arrange a taxi

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